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From elegant roses to vibrant seasonal bouquets, our hand-crafted floral arrangements are perfect for every occasion. Whether you're celebrating love, expressing sympathy, or just brightening someone's day, you'll find the perfect flowers here. Fresh, hand-designed, and available for delivery in East Rockaway & Oceanside, NY.
From elegant roses to vibrant seasonal bouquets, our hand-crafted floral arrangements are perfect for every occasion. Whether you're celebrating love, expressing sympathy, or just brightening someone's day, you'll find the perfect flowers here. Fresh, hand-designed, and available for delivery in East Rockaway & Oceanside, NY.

Choose your bouquet plan

If you love flowers like we do, brighten your home or office with hand-selected, in-season blooms delivered weekly. Choose Standard, Deluxe, or Premium bouquets to fit your style and space!


Standard Bouquet

$10 per delivery

Discover our monthly small bouquet subscription plan


Deluxe Bouquet

$11 per delivery 

Discover our monthly medium bouquet subscription plan


Premium Bouquet

$12 per delivery 

Discover our monthly large bouquet subscription plan

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